Hinata Sato, Moka Koizumi, Manatsu Murakami, Toruka Moriya, and Aina Aiba on location in Fukui! The long-awaited Fukui location for "Hinata Sato, Moeka Koizumi's Battle Dinosaur☆" will be released on Blu-ray! The show features battles and dinosaurs at sightseeing spots such as Tojinbo and the Dinosaur Museum, and the audience enjoys Fukui Prefecture to the fullest. Manatsu Murakami and Toruka Moriya of DIALOGUE+, who have appeared on the show before, and semi-regular(?) Aina Aiba, who is good friends with the two of them, also make guest appearances. Aina Aiba also made a guest appearance!
August 31, 2022
佐藤日向・小泉萌香のバトってダイナソー☆ in福井
1h 33min