Prat-falls, practical jokes, chases, collisions and custard pies...slapstick is still the ultimate comedy. This uproarious collection brings you the funniest routines by the world's most outrageous performers... ...from a slightly inebriated Lucy Ricardo pitching Vita-Meata-Vegamin to Ernie Kovacs' unforgettable Nairobi Trio, from Carol Burnett's famous Butler & Maid skit to John Belushi's sidesplitting antics at the Samurai Deli, from the Keystone Cops to The Naked Gun, from Laurel & Hardy to Martin and Lewis, from Victor Borge to Sgt., some of television's most notorious "ladies"--Milton Berle as Cleopatra, Jonathan Winters as Maude Frickert, Flip Wilson as Geraldine, Dana Carvey as the Churchlady--and more! Here is the best of seven decades of America's favorite slapstick rolled into on glorious hour of non-stop comedy action!
January 1, 1995
The 100 Funniest Moments of the 20th Century: Slapstick
Charles Grinker ProductionsReader's Digest Association, Inc.