Hiphop - Made in Germany

Hiphop - Made in Germany

Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

Hiphop - Made in Germany

First Air Date

January 27, 2024

Last Air Date

February 10, 2024







Production Companies

Beetz Brothers Film Production

2010 - until today: Frankfurt, Cash and Role Models

2010 - until today: Frankfurt, Cash and Role Models

German rap is in its prime. Whether beverage brands, fast food chains or large discounters: Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Berlin loses its supremacy as the rap capital in the 2010s, Frankfurt takes over: The decade is characterized by slang-packed street rap with attitude. It became more real, more raw, more authentic. In episode 3 of "Hiphop - Made in Germany", rap duo Celo & Abdi show how racism, sexism, commercialism and doomsday feelings have shaped the last decade - and what role rap has played in this with acts such as Haftbefehl & Liz. Also on board for the trip: Parshad Esmaeili.

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