Junior MasterChef Pinoy Edition is a Philippine competitive cooking game show that aired from 2011 to 2012. The series was adapted out of the British show Junior MasterChef, in turn was a spin-off based on MasterChef, featuring Filipino contestants aged 8 to 12. It was broadcast on ABS-CBN starting with a pre-series primer station network on 20 August 2011.
Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo presents the show, while professional Filipino chefs Fern Aracama, Rolando Laudico, and JP Anglo judge the contestants.
On 24 September, ABS-CBN announced the show's new time slot on Sundays starting on 2 October 2011.
The show ended on 18 February 2012 with Kyle Imao as the winner and was replaced by Kapamilya, Deal or No Deal.
Junior MasterChef Pinoy Edition