Mikee Forever is a Filipino sitcom produced by Viva Television and aired on GMA Network. This sitcom starred Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski with Edu Manzano, Rufa Mae Quinto, Sunshine Dizon and Polo Ravales. Directed by Ipe Pelino, the sitcom aired every Wednesday evenings on GMA's Comedy block from March 10, 1999 to September 1, 1999.
This was actually a reformatted version of Mikee's self titled drama anthology Mikee, which has been on air for four years. So Mikee and the rest of the production team behind the drama anthology decided to come up a straight-comedy or a sitcom, for a change. Mikee Forever is a collaboration of Jose Javier Reyes, director Ipe Pelino and writer Mel del Rosario.
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