Lab Rats Challenge is an Australian children's game show. The program began broadcasting on 4 August 2008 at 4pm on the Nine Network with hosts Drew Jarvis and Nicole Dixon. On 5 March 2012, the show moved to the Seven Network with Aleisha Groth replacing Dixon for the revived series. On 12 February 2013 at 10:15am The show moved to the ABC3 The show has also been broadcast on Cartoon Network
In contrast to other Australian children's game shows such as Sharky's Friends, A*mazing, and Go Go Stop, which are filmed on a large set in front of a live studio audience, Lab Rats Challenge uses several smaller sets resembling an abandoned science laboratory as well as special effects sequences inserted in post-production. It is filmed in Brisbane's Channel 9 studio on Mount Coot-tha, Queensland.
Lab Rats Challenge